


Friday, December 03, 2004

they call me pandora

where am i what is this
who's there
a closed box
opened under the sky
words discarded and found again
bones broken on purpose make you grow.
flesh itches when it's healing
there's nothing here
i hope it's not empty forever

the erranticist - 12/03/2004 06:36:00 PM

You don't know me; I only found this through Academy links. You have a style very few can lay claim to. And beautiful enough for a random stranger to post for...
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er·rant'·i·cism: n. 1) the act of ranting on no fixed or regular topic. 2) Ranting that lacks consistency, regularity, or uniformity. 3) Ranting that is eccentric or deviates from the customary course in conduct or opinion.