


Friday, December 03, 2004

everything is such nonsense

if anyone knew anything, i'd be surprised to find it out.
let me tell you this story.
it began with a him and a her, a day late and a dollar short.
today it continues with a decathalon like you've never seen.
i hear them complaining, but i don't tell you how to fuck.
the walls groaned their bruises
but i'd like to compare them to my own
it might not be a contest now, but it was back then
i'm chasing him. and something else in life
it's confusing
the scratches are so benign these days.
it's lovely
but still
who the hell am i anyway

the erranticist - 12/03/2004 07:02:00 PM

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er·rant'·i·cism: n. 1) the act of ranting on no fixed or regular topic. 2) Ranting that lacks consistency, regularity, or uniformity. 3) Ranting that is eccentric or deviates from the customary course in conduct or opinion.