


Wednesday, November 03, 2004

There is a quality about the morning that I do not like. Depressing songs ring much more true at this time of day. When I'm alone, I feel like I could scream forever. I cover my mouth with my hands so that I cannot be honest.
Honesty would betray my cause. My whole life has been battlescars and my whole world is constantly shaking. But that's not everything.

I can't stay awake, but I can't fall asleep. I'm constantly craving something. My fingernails are weak.

My eyes can't focus.

My brain doesn't fucking work!

This shit is all over me like a picture on film.

the erranticist - 11/03/2004 09:14:00 AM

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er·rant'·i·cism: n. 1) the act of ranting on no fixed or regular topic. 2) Ranting that lacks consistency, regularity, or uniformity. 3) Ranting that is eccentric or deviates from the customary course in conduct or opinion.